Movie Special Event

»Wo in Paris die Sonne aufgeht«

This event was held on the 8th of April 2022 with leading actor Makita Samba | »Wo in Paris die Sonne aufgeht« scored 7,98 Genusspunkte | @ Scala

It’s not judgy or lecturing, and there’s nothing too didactic here – and maybe not a lot to linger over either. But if you’re looking for a couple of hours of sexy Parisians hooking up, falling out and finding their feet again, all set to pulsing electro and with a baked-in romanticism that makes a built-up corner of Paris feel like Casablanca, Audiard and his co-writers have made the perfect film.

Phil de Semlyen in Time Out
Ein junge Frau (rechts) beschließt in ihrer ersten Leuphana-Vorlesung, morgen das Gebäube in Brand zu setzen.
Trailer zu »Wo in Paris die Sonne aufgeht«

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