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Baumannconsulting offers several pre-planned trips per month for you to enjoy!
- »Megalopolis«In theatres 26th of September With “Megalopolis,” he crams 85 years worth of artistic reverence and romantic love into a clunky, garish, and transcendently sincere manifesto about the role of… Read more: »Megalopolis«
- »The Substance«In theatres 19th of September An immensely, unstoppably, ecstatically demented fairy tale about female self-hatred, Coralie Fargeat’s “The Substance” will stop at nothing — and I mean nothing — to… Read more: »The Substance«
- »Favoriten«In theatres 19th of September The kids in Ilkay Idiskut’s third grade class are, as they let you know within about five minutes of Ruth Beckermann‘s delightful Berlin Encounters documentary… Read more: »Favoriten«
- »Ellbogen«In theatres 5th of September Hazals sehnlichster Wunsch: ein Leben. Trotz vieler Bewerbungen wird sie zu keinem einzigen Gespräch eingeladen. Stattdessen sitzt sie in einer Bildungsmaßnahme vom Jobcenter fest, die… Read more: »Ellbogen«
- »The Dead Don’t Hurt«In theatres 8th of August| @Scala Mortensen is playing with iconography here, so it’s less about that destination than the journey — and he finds the right, delicate, evocative note… Read more: »The Dead Don’t Hurt«
Have you missed an event? The next event will surely be determined soon. Stay tuned! Until then, keep in touch on our Letterboxd. See you there!
With the world-famous cinematography specialist Joris you have always got an expert by your side. You want to know the backstory of the movie, some details about the director or maybe just some good-to-know funfacts about certain aspects of it? Joris got your back! Even though he has a slight tendency to occupy the couple-seats by his own, he always has got a pun up his sleeve when you least expect it. Buckle up and enjoy your ride with our amazing expert Joris!
Join » Joris‘ Film Klub (JFK) « now!
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