
»Pieces of a Woman«

This event was held on the 8th of January 2021 | »Pieces of a Woman« scored 7,05 Genusspunkte | @ JFK-Plaza 1

Wéber’s writing and Kirby’s performance, working in concert with Mundruczó’s dazzling, multifaceted direction, Howard Shore‘s gorgeously mood-appropriate score and, again, Loeb’s drifting, searching, soulful camera together create, from so many disparate pieces, an entirely complete portrait, that even suggests further internal universes still to be explored, universes every one of us contains.

Jessica Kiang in The Playlist
Wenn es gestern wieder ein Luxusburger zu viel war – Katjana Gerz (rechts) und Florentin Will (links, rasiert) in einem packendem Ehedrama zwischen Buletten und Brot
Trailer zu » Pieces of a Woman «

By JFK-President (Official)

Best Cinemamaster between Kopenhagen and Kleinwümmede

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