
»Frau im Dunkeln«

This event was held on the 9th of January 2022 | »Frau im Dunkeln« scored 7,66 Genusspunkte | @ JFK-Plaza

Gyllenhaal’s film is a story of self-ascribed transgression and of shame buried and turned bitterly inward, and it too, is made with such alertness to the power of cinematic language – particularly that of performance – that even as you feel your stomach slowly drop at the implications of what you’re watching, you cannot break its spreading sinister spell.

Jessica Kiang in IndieWire
BauCons24-Kundin bemerkt beim Anblick der nicht-leuchtenden Bäume, dass sie eigentlich doch Singapur statt Sizilien hätte buchen sollen
Trailer zu »Frau im Dunkeln«

By JFK-President (Official)

Best Cinemamaster between Kopenhagen and Kleinwümmede

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