
»The Card Counter«

This event was held on the 9th of March 2022 | »The Card Counter« scored 6,083 Genusspunkte | @ Scala

It’s truly a wild, blazing ride if you get on the movie’s bruising, mesmeric wavelength, a tragic but deeply moral film about a righteous, transactional man who has truly weighed and considered the cost of the wicked transgressions committed against his country, his fellow man, and his own soul.

Rodrigo Perez in The Playlist
Männer sitzen ernst an einem Pokertisch, eine aus dem OBC-Media-Spot “Florian möchte seine Hand nicht mehr benutzen…” bekannte Szenerie.
Trailer zu »The Card Counter«

By JFK-President (Official)

Best Cinemamaster between Kopenhagen and Kleinwümmede

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