

This event was held on the 12th of June 2022 | »France« scored 7 Genusspunkte | @Blankeneser Kino

The film captures behind-the-scenes media drama in a much better fashion than the American streaming series “The Morning Show.” Seydoux brings a vulnerability to the role even when the character is at her most monstrous. In part because of the depth of Seydoux’s performance, the film becomes less an allegory of a nation and more a gripping character study, a portrait of a mask of personal and professional regard slowly slipping away.

Mark Olsen in Los Angeles Times
Jemand hat getweetet, dass man Berliner Pfannkuchen nennt. Das Militär versucht sich durch die ersten Leichenberge zu kämpfen. Die JoJo-TImes berichtet von der Front.
Trailer zu »France«

By JFK-President (Official)

Best Cinemamaster between Kopenhagen and Kleinwümmede

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