
»Drive My Car«

This event was held on the 2nd of January 2022 | »Drive My Car« scored 9,22 Genusspunkte | @ Scala

If the brief and uneven history of Murakami adaptations has taught us anything, it’s that the sensually aloof solipsism of his writing is best interpreted by people who aren’t afraid to impose their own will upon it. That’s what Lee Chang-dong did with “Burning,” and that’s what Hamaguchi does here (albeit with a gentler touch, and to less fiery ends). The result is a low-key but lingeringly resonant tale about a strange chapter in the life of a grieving theater director — an intimate stage whisper of a film in which every scene feels like a secret.

David Ehrlich in IndieWire
Wenn du beim MS-Bechern wieder blau geworden bist
Trailer zu »Drive My Car«

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