
»Der Maulwurf – Ein Detektiv im Altersheim«

This event was held on the 3rd of May 2021 | »Der Maulwurf – Ein Detektiv im Altersheim« scored 6,8 Genusspunkte | @ JFK-Plaza 1

As much as “The Mole Agent” relishes the amusement baked into its scenario, Alberdi allows the reality of the setting to take hold — teary admissions of loneliness pierce the proceedings, followed by flashes of anger and even death, as Sergio’s diary entries grow more introspective and the referential genre flourishes give way to real life. “The Mole Agent” may not look like a documentary, but it builds to a poetic finale enmeshed in emotional authenticity.

Eric Kohn in IndieWire
JFK-Jahrestreffen 2081, handkolloriert (Bild großzügigerweise zur Verfügung gestellt vom BauCons-Future-Insight-Management)
Trailer zu »Der Maulwurf«

By JFK-President (Official)

Best Cinemamaster between Kopenhagen and Kleinwümmede

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