
»The Ordinaries«

This event was held on the 4th of April | »The Ordinaries« scored 5,33 Genusspunkte | @Scala

The Ordinaries shows ambition and craft on a mightily impressive level, in every department from production design (channeling 50s/60s East Germany), through richly textured, astutely pastichey cinematography and playfully layered sound (Fabian Zeidler’s score, Nicolas Voss’s sound design). The cast give their all, often slipping note-perfect into self-reflexive renditions of performances-within-performances.

Jonathan Romney in Screendaily
Ich hasse Musicals.
Trailer zu »The Ordinaries«

»Das Blau des Kaftans«

This even was held on the 19th of March | »Das Blau des Kaftans« scored 7,5 Genusspunkte | @Scala

This is compelling storytelling by any standard, its supple rhythms hypnotic, its atmosphere potent and its prevailing hushed tone and intimate camerawork affording us the closest possible access to three characters who in turn are constantly studying one another. The actors playing those three points of a complicated triangle could not be better.

David Rooney in The Hollywood Reporter
Die 25 besten Gerichte aus Marokko! Tolle Rezepte der marokkanischen Küche:
Trailer zu »Das Blau des Kaftans«


This event was held on the 21st of March | »Broker« scored 8,08 Genusspunkte | @Scala

It’s one of the master’s most transparent and — when it comes to confrontations about what parents, and specifically women, can or should do for themselves and for the babies they are forever bound to — brave films of his career.

Ella Kemp in IndieWire
Zwei gefährliche Superverbrechen (links, 3.v.r.) haben ein Superbabe und Superbaby (dazwischen) entführt, werden aber nun kurz vor der Fähre nach Indonesien vom KIA (Korean Intellegence Agency, recht (Bild und politisch)) ertappt. Was die Agenten nicht wissen: Die Super-Bs werden alles tun, um die Superverbrecher als ihren Zugang zur Supermafia zu gebrauchen.
Trailer zu »Broker«

»Saint Omer«

This even was held on the 19th of March | »Saint Omer« scored 7,33 Genusspunkte | @Scala

Saint Omer might be fiction, but Diop does not stray too far from her documentary roots. The film maintains a sense of naturalism even during its most tense moments. Diop’s directing style leans observational, as if she is watching and recording her screenplay’s effect on her performers.

Lovia Gyarkye in The Hollywood Reporter
Die Angeklagte versucht dem Urteil zu entkommen, indem ihr Rumpf durch ihr der Holzvertäfelung angepasstes Oberteil unsichtbar wird, als einzelne schwebende Gliedmaßen durch den Saal zu geistern und so der einen solchen Fall der Angeklagtenmultiplizierung nicht vorhersehenden Gerichtsbarkeit zu entkommen.
Trailer zu »Saint Omer«

»The Fabelmans«

This event was held on the 15th of February | »The Fabelmans« scored 8,4 Genusspunkte| @Filmpalast

I’d say this playful yet nakedly personal coming-of-auteur epic was trying to split the difference between memoir and crowdpleaser, but it seems even more determined to reconcile the two: What else would Steven Spielberg’s ultimate divorce movie be about if not the hope for some kind of reconciliation?

David Ehrlich in IndieWire
OBC-Media-Filmschaffende, wenn sie ihrer Mutter den neuen BauCons-Spot zeigen, weil sie wissen will, was die Jungs da letzten Samstag den ganzen Tag gemacht haben.
Trailer zu »The Fabelmans«


This even was held on the 13th of March | »65« scored 3,525 Genusspunkte | @Filmpalast

After a catastrophic crash on an unknown planet, pilot Mills quickly discovers he’s actually stranded on Earth…65 million years ago. Now, with only one chance at rescue, Mills and the only other survivor, Koa, must make their way across an unknown terrain riddled with dangerous prehistoric creatures in an epic fight to survive.

Letterboxd Klappentext
Adam Driver bemerkt, was aus seiner Karriere geworden ist (panisch)
Trailer zu »65«


This event was held on the 8th of February | »TÁR« scored 8 Genusspunkte| @Scala

Blanchett erreicht hier einen möglichen Karrierehöhepunkt auf einer Art, die wohl nur ihr möglich ist. Sie schafft es, die geschmeidige Lebendigkeit einer jungen Wildkatze mit der abgeklärten Reife einer Grande Dame zu vereinen, ist darin alterslos, unendlich feminin und hat doch in ihren Hosenanzügen stets auch etwas Dandyhaftes. Aber auch die reine physische Ekstase beim Dirigieren hypnotisiert einen. Niemand hätte das so spielen können.

Lydia Tár zeigt euch den Weg zum nächsten Ticketschalter
Trailer zu »TÁR«

»Wo ist Anne Frank?«

This event was held on the 29th of February | »Wo ist Anne Frank?« scored 6,42 Genusspunkte | @Scala

The story of Anne Frank and her diary is retold in this fervent, heartfelt and visually wonderful animated film from Israeli director Ari Folman, who made his name with the animated historical satire Waltz With Bashir in 2008. This is a kind of reinvention or fantasy reboot, reading the story again through a contemporary lens and giving it a kind of Young Adult identity; not inappropriate, given that Anne Frank was arguably the great ancestor of YA.

Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian
Nazis beweisen schlechten Geschmack, indem sie den Look der Ersten Ordnung® klauen.
Trailer zu »Wo ist Anne Frank?«

»Women Talking – Die Aussprache«

This event was held on the 25th of February | »Women Talking« scored 7,725 Genusspunkte | @Scala

Hard as it might be to imagine, Women Talking is an upbeat and propulsive film cut with a sharp wit and a ready sense of humor, even if its characters are often laughing as hard as they wish they could cry.

David Ehrlich in IndieWire
Drei Frauen, die schweigen. Inkonsistent mit dem Titel. Filmfehler.
Trailer zu »Die Aussprache«

»Die Frau im Nebel«

This event was held on the 2nd of February | »Die Frau im Nebel« scored 8,2125 Genusspunkte | @Scala

It’s a good thing, then, that »Decision to Leave« isn’t a whodunnit […]. In fact, Park’s funny, playful, and increasingly poignant crime thriller is less interested in what [detective] Hae-joon (Park Hae-il) knows about his suspect than in how he feels about her.

David Ehrlich in IndieWire
You need someone, who lutsches you like Tang Wei this spoon? Baumannconsulting is always by your side.
Trailer zu »Frau im Nebel«