
»Was geschah mit Bus 670?«

This event was hold on the 20th of February 2022 | »Was geschah mit Bus 670?« scored 7,66 Genusspunkte|@ Abaton

Hypnotic and heartbreaking, “Identifying Features” is a feature debut to marvel at, but only once you’re able to shake off the bone-deep chills emanating from Mexican filmmaker Fernanda Valadez’s disorienting tale of a mother’s search for her missing son. Equal parts odyssey, investigation and descent, this eerily shattering dispatch from the heart of a grief-beset country — a double winner at Sundance last year that’s been racking up festival awards ever since — has the power to expand our notions of what a border story is.

Robert Abele in Los Angeles Times
Ein mutmaßlicher BauCons-CEO (Schatten in der Mitte) lässt Busse zwischen Salzhausen und Bleckede verunfallen. Dies ist das einzig bekannte Bild des “Auffahrunfallers”.
Trailer zu »Was geschah mit Bus 670?«


This event was held on the 11th of February 2022 | »Cow« scored 7,2 Genusspunkte | @JFK-Plaza

With this documentary, Andrea Arnold has created a kind of agribusiness pastoral about the daily life of cows on a working dairy farm. Her camera simply gets up close and personal with cows as they moo and trot around and give birth and stare with mysterious placidity into the camera – sometimes thumping up against her sound mic with an almighty bang.

[…] [There] is something very heartfelt and committed about Andrea Arnold’s film: a poignancy and intimacy.

Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian
Trailer zu »Cow«

»Nightmare Alley«

This event was hold on the 23rd of January 2022 | »Nightmare Alley« scored 6,53 Genusspunkte | @ Filmpalast

A gorgeous, fantastically sinister moral fable about the cruel predictability of human nature and the way entire systems — from carnies and con men to shrinks and Sunday preachers — are engineered to exploit it.

David Ehrlich in IndieWire
Reenactment eines bekannten Cartoon-Memes mit einem Hund mit Hut
Trailer zu »Nightmare Alley«

»Licorice Pizza«

This event was held on the 30th of January 2022 | »Licorice Pizza« scored 7,1205 Genusspunkte| @ Scala

Paul Thomas Anderson’s holyfuckingshitIlovemovies-great “Licorice Pizza” is undeniably a coming-of-age movie — his first clear-cut contribution to a genre defined by the kind of pathological self-invention and animalistic need for acceptance that have also fueled each of his eight previous features — but it’s not really about growing up. For one thing, both of its leads have already grown up (or at least aggressively sideways) to a certain extent, and just need someone to recognize the people they’ve become in the process. For another, there’s always been a terminally childish quality to even Anderson’s oldest characters.

David Ehrlich in IndieWire
JFK-Mitglied Felix attackiert Firmenwagen, weil er beim Minigolf erneut in den Boden gerammt wurde.
Trailer zu »Licorice Pizza«


This event was held on the 25th of January 2022 | »Pleasure« scored 7,425 Genusspunkte | @ Harmonie

This impressive, unflinching debut from Ninja Thyberg eschews the victim narrative which tends to shadow stories focussing on women in the porn industry, instead following Bella’s cool-headed navigation of this treacherous and frequently exploitative world.

Wendy Ide in Screen Daily
Immer mehr vielversprechende GameStop-Junginvestoren können ihre Viertgeliebte aufgrund mangelhafter Poolerweiterungen nicht mehr befriedigen. Halten Sie auch ihre Kreditkarte doch einmal öfter an das EC-Karten-Lesegerät, was auf einem Teslafenster Ihnen angereicht wird.
Trailer zu »Pleasure«

»Bad Tales«

11th of January 2022 | This event was only visited by one member of the JFK, but formally scored 8 Genusspunkte | @ Cinéma

Provocative Italian feature Bad Tales is one of those films that aren’t afraid to confront you with the grimmest aspects of the human condition, but yet leave you feeling strangely exalted by the sheer cinematic invention involved.

Jonathan Romney in Screen Daily
Familie überlegt, wie sie möglichst straffrei die zwei Blagen, deren unerträglicher Vortrag zu dräuen scheint, zu liquidieren.
Trailer zu »Bad Tales«


This event was hold on the 8th of January 2022 | »Lamb« scored 6,6 Genusspunkte | @ Scala

This intimate, four-character film has its own quiet rhythms, compatible with yet distinct from any perceived A24 house style. It’s a hybrid of unnerving, dread-based horror and genuine domestic drama. Are they naturally so different, anyway?

Jesse Hassenger in The A.V. Club
BluMÄÄÄHn mit MaMÄÄÄH pflücken
Trailer zu »Lamb«

»The Power of the Dog«

This event was hold on the 7th of December 2021 | »The Power of the Dog« scored 6,11 Genusspunkte | @ JFK-Plaza

Jane Campion’s first feature film in more than 10 years is a western gothic psychodrama: mysterious, malicious, with a lethal ending that creeps up behind you like a thief.

The Power of the Dog is a made with artistry and command: it is one of Jane Campion’s best.

Peter Bradshaw in The Guardian
Benebackt Cumberguette entdeckt die subtile Magie des französischen Langbrotes
Trailer zu »The Power of the Dog«

»Ghostbusters: Legacy«

19th of November 2021 | »Ghostbusters: Legacy« scored 6 Genusspunkte | @ Filmpalast

Reitman] finds the perfect tone here . . . He’s also skilled at getting genuine performance out of young actors, as he proved in “Juno,” and balancing humor with stakes — essential for comedy-horror like “Ghostbusters.” The jokes are very funny and Wolfhard and Grace make life-threatening peril look like a ball.

Johnny Oleksinski in New York Post
Jahrestreffen der Bordbesatzung aus “WALL·E”
Trailer zu »Ghostbusters Legacy«


»Frau im Dunkeln«

This event was held on the 9th of January 2022 | »Frau im Dunkeln« scored 7,66 Genusspunkte | @ JFK-Plaza

Gyllenhaal’s film is a story of self-ascribed transgression and of shame buried and turned bitterly inward, and it too, is made with such alertness to the power of cinematic language – particularly that of performance – that even as you feel your stomach slowly drop at the implications of what you’re watching, you cannot break its spreading sinister spell.

Jessica Kiang in IndieWire
BauCons24-Kundin bemerkt beim Anblick der nicht-leuchtenden Bäume, dass sie eigentlich doch Singapur statt Sizilien hätte buchen sollen
Trailer zu »Frau im Dunkeln«