

This event was held on the 21st of December 2022 | »Aftersun« scored 9 Genusspunkte | @Abaton

Aftersun flows like a fondly remembered memory that’s been replayed endlessly, as if trying to find an important detail that might explain what happened. The easy pace of Wells’s direction brings out the best in her central performers, and the chemistry between Mescal and Corio plays out effortlessly. The light moments between them are warm and the darker ones linger heavily.

Anna Bogutskaya in Time Out
Ein Familienausflug auf dem Elbe-Side-Channel
Trailer zu »Aftersun«

»White Noise«

This event was held on the 9th of January 2023 | »White Noise« scored 6,15 Genusspunkte | @JFK-Plaza

»White Noise« has so much crammed into its two-and-a-quarter hours that it will take multiple viewings to unpack it all. Luckily, it’s all so entertaining that the prospect of those multiple viewings is an enticing one indeed.

Nicholas Barber at BBC
Der Typ vom Don-Cheadl-Says-Every-Word-Twitter-Account und Kylo Gucci chillen in einer trippigen 60er-Retro-Future-Diner.
Trailer zu »White Noise«

»The Wonder«

This event was held on the 21st of December 2022 | »The Wonder« scored 7 Genusspunkte | @JFK-Plaza

In the end, Lelio earns the powerful close of The Wonder with every temperate turn. His film, a career-best, departs like a birdsong, with an optimistic finale as perfect and revelatory as they come.

Tomris Laffly in TheWrap
Veröffentlichung der JoJo-Times Ausgabe No. 2 (koloriert)
Trailer zu »The Wonder«

»The Stranger«

This event was held on the 19th of December | »The Stranger« scored 6,3 Genusspunkte | @JFK-Plaza

What makes The Stranger work is how this all creates an experience that feels as though the two men have become almost doomed to a life where they will aimlessly wander in what feels like an Australian purgatory. Whether they ever manage to escape and uncover some sort of closure is irrelevant to the growing rot that threatens to consume their souls no matter what they do.

Chase Hutchinson in Collider
Zwei Männer auf der Suche nach einem Friseur.
Trailer zu »The Stranger«

»The Menu«

This event was held on the 16th of November 2022 | »The Menu« scored 6,36 Genusspunkte | @Filmpalast

This is a vengeful dark comedy that probes percolating class anxieties (a popular theme in cinema lately). It indulges in opportunities to strip the emperor of his clothes, and while that doesn’t necessarily translate to the most revelatory social commentary, it does make for an amusing ride.

Lovia Gyarkye in The Hollywood Reporter
Voldemort und die Northman-Hexe beim alljährlichen BauCons-Herbstdinner.
Trailer zu »The Menu«

»Guillermo Del Toros Pinocchio«

This event was held on the 22nd of December 2022 | »Guillermo Del Toros Pinocchio« scored 8 Genusspunkte | @JFK-Plaza

Pinocchio feels like the best mix of classic del Toro and new del Toro, with the wisdom and melancholy that comes with age and experience, yet his bright-eyed love of fairy tales from his Spanish-language films. Perhaps more impressive is how Pinocchio pushes the oldest form of animation to new places, and like the puppet himself, breathes life into inanimate objects.

Rafael Motamayor in IndieWire
BRUUUUUUUDER, einmal an der Sesamstange gezogen und plötzlich wach ich im Werkraum der Erik-Wozny-IGS im Werkraum auf und fühl mich einfach wie ein Holzbube.
Trailer zu »Guillermo Del Toros Pinocchio«

»Glass Onion«

This event was held on the 30th of December 2022 | »Glass Onion« scored 7,6 Genusspunkte | @JFK-Plaza

This picture offers more action, more delicious comeuppances, more daring design and a few genuinely surprising cameos just for good measure. Yet it doesn’t suffer from the usual “give ’em the same thing, but more of it” bloat common in sequels to surprise hits. Its ensemble is more varied than Knives‘, and its critique of the clueless rich more relevant to our age.

John DeFore in The Hollywood Reporter
Rodizio Singapur BauCons Secret Premium Lounge (hier vermietet an das Kniffel WM Austragungsortausknoblungskomitee)
Trailer zu »Glass Onion«


This event was held on the 26th of November 2022 | »Amsterdam« scored 6,82 Genusspunkte | @Filmpalast

It’s an audacious odyssey that buckles under the weight of all its ornate and flights of quirky fancy. But if you’re a cynical optimist that’s disgusted with the rise of despotism, absolutism, rancid lies, revolting white supremacist beliefs but still wants to believe in humanity, hope, and the goodness of people, it might just strike a major chord.

Rodrigo in The Playlist
Eine Tapete in gräulichem Blau, darauf allerlei gerahmte Bilder, Kupferstiche und weitere Papierstücke. Rechts eine Vase auf dem Schrank. Zwei Männer und eine Frau versperren die Sicht auf die geschmackvolle alteuropäische Einrichtung.
Trailer zu »Amsterdam«

»Crimes of the Future«

This event was held on the 15th of November 2022 | »Crimes of the Future« scored 7,46 Genusspunkte | @Studio Kino

Crimes of the Future is Cronenberg to the core, complete with its fair share of authorial flourishes (the moaning organic bed that its characters sleep in is a five-alarm nightmare unto itself) and slogans (“surgery is the new sex”). At the same time, however, this hazy and weirdly hopeful meditation on the macro-relationship between organic life and synthetic matter ties into his more wholly satisfying gross-out classics because of how it pushes beyond them.

David Ehrlich in IndieWire
“Frau Doktor, bin ich schwanger?” “Nope, das sind die sechs Luxusburger vom Samstag.”
Trailer zu »Crimes of the Future«

»Wendell & Wild«

This event was held on the 31st of October 2022 | »Wendell & Wild« scored 7,18 Genusspunkte | @JFK-Plaza

For all the clever satirical touches and asides, the gorgeously intricate, wondrous stop-motion landscape is ultimately pure Selick, imbued with a fitting color scheme of swirling, eerily glowing greens and purples choreographed against a mischievous score by Bruno Coulais that effectively sets the mood for the film’s pre-Halloween arrival.

Michael Rechtshaffen in The Hollywood Reporter
Was du siehst, wenn du drei Nächte später um drei Uhr Nachts in Frankfurt an der Oder wieder aufwachst.
Trailer zu »Wendell & Wild«