Movie Upcoming

»Hit Man«

In theatres 4th of July| @Abaton

That Glen Powell is a gem of an actor is nothing new, but twenty years into his career, and after stealing the show in a bunch of films and series, we can all finally stop praying for him to get a leading role worthy of his talents.

Hit Man finds both comedy and refuge in the elusive nature of identity and acts as a balm in our confusingly performative, deeply unsexy times.

Elena Lazic in The Playlist
Joris träumt, es öffnen sich drei Stufen der Irrealität: Er sieht aus wie Glen Powell (dabei ist er doch hotter), an seinen nackten Rücken schmiegt sich eine nicht minder Nackte (meldet euch jetzt in den DMs) und er liegt in einer Badewann (ich weine in meiner winzigen Wohnheimdusche, bitte helft mir).

By JFK-President (Official)

Best Cinemamaster between Kopenhagen and Kleinwümmede

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